Independent retailers and Oh Lily! snacks around the world


 Independent retailers and Oh Lily! snacks join forces together .

Let's start by a great news : independent retailers around the world are now stocking Oh Lily! snacks. At Oh Lily! we are proud  to support small businesses 

Indeed, independent retailers provide many benefits to ther communities, such as creating jobs,promoting local economic gowth, and offering unique products and services.

Especially ,Oh Lily! founder, Dewi, explains: “I started Oh Lily! because I wanted to bring healthy snacking to a market dominated by industrial food products loaded with highly processed ingredients that can lead to obesity and other chronic health issues. Supporting independent grocers is a way my brand can give back to the communities that support us.”

 Independent retailers and Oh Lily! snacks are on the same mission :  bringing the best products to you.


So here is a list of ever growing independent retailers where you can enjoy Oh Lily! snacks. Also,do not forget that independent retailers provide a great customer experience! For instance they will know to guide you if you need vegan and gluten free snacks ;)


Independent retailers and Oh Lily ! snacks in the UK :




Oh Liy! snacks in the USA :


Oh Lily! snacks in France :

  • The Fuu, Paris
  • Hemp Food, Troyes
  • Herbonata, Saint Germain en Laye

Oh Lily! snacks in  Germany:


Oh Lily! snacks in the Netherlands :

 Lab. Shop in Shop , Baarn


Oh Lily! snacks in Switzerland  :

Nourish your mind ,body and soul with at :


 In a nutshell,with this new partnerships Oh Lily customers cannot only feel great about eating their delicious snacks but they can feel great about helping their communities as well. In conclusion, supporting independent retailers is a great way to find your favorite Oh Lily! snacks and vice versa :)

That is why, we're honored to be working with these local stores, who are helping us spread the word about water Lily seed snacks and we're excited to see what the future has in store for them!

Undoubtly,independent retailers are critical to local businesses. We care about the work they do, and we're committed to building products that enrich lives in communities across the globe.


But if not around these shops or  if you prefer to get your snacks from the comfort of your home do shop here